
Bangalore Writers Workshop (BWW) is interested in fostering the creative mind, encouraging a community, and making writers aware of who they are as creators of text.

BWW is a unique, effective, and interactive method of bringing a group of writers together and allowing them to study the craft of writing while simultaneously receiving constructive feedback on their own work.

BWW uses the workshop method. We run intensive creative writing workshops with small groups in Bangalore. Our groups are fuelled by passion and the creative energy of people with diverse life experiences.

Join our creative writing workshops here.

BWW is run by Rheea Mukherjee and Bhumika Anand.

We are women and writers, and as such, we thrive on attention, comments, and criticism. Do read us regularly and say your say. After all, this blog celebrates writing. πŸ™‚

7 Responses to About

  1. surbhisarna says:

    I am so glad to have discovered you! It is very encouraging to see that writing is finally being taken seriously in India. Keep up the good work πŸ™‚

  2. Vijay says:

    Interesting site with lots of practical tips. Could you go a step further and put up a list of publishers category? It’s easy to recall the top 10-15 big names but there are a lot of small publishing outfits out there that may be more open to looking at work from aspiring authors. Thanks!

  3. Ayesha says:

    Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

    I have written two short stories named “Eternal Love” and “The
    Backbencher’s Love Story” for the anthologies “A Night in Paradise (
    published by Omji Publcation, New Delhi, India)” and “Life Sundae (by
    BSC Publishers & Distributors, Hyderabad)” respectively. The former
    has already been published and the later will be published in a couple
    of months.

    I’m not a professional writer.Till today, I’ve written few short
    stories and poems. I take it as a passion. In fact, I believe I’m too
    young for it since I’m of 9th grade.
    I’m an Indian budding author. My style of writing may differ from
    yours. Please check the attached file to get an idea of it. It is just
    for your reference. It has already been published by Omji Publication,
    New Delhi, India with a legal agreement. Thus, it cannot be published
    again without the prior consent of the publisher.

    Please let me know if I can work for you in any way.

    Thank You

  4. I wish the workshop was on Sunday. I could attend it that way. I really wish I could. I have college on Saturday. Can something be done about it please?

  5. Nanditha Guruswamy says:

    Kudos to both of you for initiating this Workshop. Its a great platform for new, amateur, and experienced writers alike; It makes all the more special as you guys are such an encouraging bunch and your body of work, inspires us to write more, write better and conquer those doubt demons. My best wishes to the team! πŸ™‚

    • bangalorewritersworkshop says:

      This means a lot! Thank you so very much. We hope to teach, learn, and of course write. πŸ™‚ Keep visiting and keep encouraging. πŸ™‚

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